Nismo Old School Uncut Blank Key

Regular price $54.12

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Please read the Key cutting procedure

Please only have cut at your own risk

Price was over £100 originally

Display key for man cave only

We have massively reduced the price of our keys due to the metal being soft. Please consider this key as a display piece and only have cut at your own risk.

This keys is made from titanium steel aka stainless steel and the design mimics the original 300zx/Z32 keys with a few noticeable differences.


R32 Skyline, Z32 300zx, as well as S13 180/200/240sx

Unconfirmed 1980-1984 Datsun 810, 1984-1988 200SX, 1989-1991 240sx, 1984-1989 300ZX, 1982-1986 720, 1983-1990 Pulsar NX, 1982-1986 Sentra, 1990-1991 Stanza, 1995-1998 R33 Skyline.

The actual key design (pictured) should be compatible with the ignition cylinder/door locks of other vehicles not listed.

Key Cutting

Each key needs to be cut on a MANUAL key cutting machine. Please seek out an experienced locksmith in your area.

No kiosks and no automatic machines at hardware stores.

Instruct the locksmith to cut the key slowly. Cutting this key using the same speed as a typical brass key can either damage their blade or damage your new titanium key

After your key is cut you will need to deburr the edges before using it. The wire wheel on a typical manual key cutting machine is not enough.